Milking Plant Hygiene
A choice of circulation cleaners to remove fat and protein deposits and help prevent milkstone build-up.
Action System 2000
Probably the most efficient powder circulation cleaner available. Particularly suitable for soft to moderately hard water areas. Also recommended as a filter cleaner for all types of milk filter cones. Use twice a day as a hot wash.
Pack size: 20kg
Actogleam Powder
Contains high levels of cleaning agents making it particularly suitable for use in hard and very hard water areas. Use twice a day as a hot wash.
Pack size: 20kg
Actogleam Liquid
Highly effective, easy rinse liquid formulation circulation cleaner.
Pack size: 25L, 200L & 1000L IBC
Action Dairy Hypochlorite
Ideal for final rinsing and general use in the dairy. Contains 10% available chlorine.
Pack size: 25L, 200L & 1000L IBC
Action Milkstone Remover
A low foaming formulation containing 30% Phosphoric Acid and water softening agents. Use at least one a month (more frequently in hard water areas) to remove any milkstone build up.
Pack size: 25L
Action Acid Wash
Recommended for use as the ‘Night’ wash in circulation cleaning systems using an alkali morning and acid night wash. Also recommended for use in Acidified Boiling Water Systems. Effective in hard or soft water. Contains a blend of Nitric and Phosphoric Acid. Helps prevent milkstone deposits and hard water scaling.
Pack size: 25L & 200L